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The Real Reasons Customers Care About Your Product

In a world overflowing with options, it’s easy to get caught up in the race to add more features, more bells and whistles. But let’s pause for a moment and ask ourselves: What truly matters to our customers? Shifting the Spotlight to the Customer We often focus on what we think is impressive about our product – the cutting-edge technology (AI cough cough), the innovative features, the fancy design (rebrand! cough cough).

Easy Content Updates with Webhooks

Discover how to use webhooks to keep your CRM, sales team, and other systems up to date with content alerts Typically, it’s really difficult to know what content is being used – who on your team is sharing what and who out there in the world is engaging with it. Storing your go-to-market assets in Google Drive, Sharepoint, and other file systems doesn’t do much to organize content let alone allow you to track it.

An End to Dumb Asset Titles

Introducing an effortless way to create better content titles We get it. Part of the hard part of creating and maintaining an up-to-date content library is making sure that the content is easily findable and readable. With the emphasis on readable, let’s break down the anatomy of a typical asset and what we’ve done to make sure content is the most easily accessed for you and your team as you organize and share those go to market assets that drive sales forward.

A Product Messaging Template for Repeatable Product Messaging

Improve Your Product Messaging with our Product Messaging Template Here’s the situation – you sell products or services, but we’ll just call them “products” for simplicity here. Most of the Sales and Marketing team are on the same page about what your product does – some of the values and benefits it provides, how it’s a bit different and generally how to talk about it. But, you know that consistency is key to driving understanding with your buyer and that only consistency brings the repeatability that drives word of mouth and smooths out the purchasing cycle.

How to Develop a Sales Content Strategy

Despite over 70% of marketers spending more on content marketing, only 55% of the best b2b marketers have a documented content strategy. Right now, you might be feeling the pain of needing a content strategy for sales content or maybe you’re simply feeling the frustrations from trying to get stuff done without an overall plan. What if you could guarantee great sales content that’s produced on a regular schedule? The best of the best recognize the impact of content strategy on their content production, and there’s plenty of room for improvement for everyone else.

How To Password Protect Your Google Drive Folder

One of the most secure locations to store documents, photographs, and videos is within your Google account, which is protected by a password. Unfortunately, Google Drive does not specifically provide file or folder protection with a sharable password. Sure, it does provide the option to limit access to your files using specific sharing settings. Yes, you can also share a Drive Folder (or doc) with another Google Account, but sometimes you’re looking to share an asset or folder with an email address that is not connected with a Google account.

How to Do a Sales Content Audit

Perform a Sales Content Audit to Streamline Your Sales Process Did you know that the average B2B buyer consumes over 10 pieces of content before making a decision? Of course you know that. So, I bet finding the right piece of content is standing between your sales team and new customers right now. And if your marketing collateral is a jumbled mess across many folders (like I usually see), your sales team is probably missing the content they need to convert a warm lead to a paying customer.

How to Create a Persona Template

How to Create a Buyer Persona If you want a consistent and repeatable message across all of your teams and increase your conversion rate, then we have the buyer persona template for you! Yes, there are different types of persona templates to download (like the Hubspot persona template or this post from Hootsuite), and just so you know, this isn’t a re-run of the same old persona templates. This isn’t a brand messaging guideline.

Pricing Strategy and Pricing Models - Optimizing Sales

Pricing is your biggest lever that you probably spend the least amount of time testing and optimizing. I totally understand why – pricing is difficult to change (even when you’re small and especially when you are large), and you have to deal with complex questions of involving existing customers and even prospects in your pipeline. But having a pricing strategy that you manage like your product roadmap has outsized rewards. You can anticipate issues, build a plan, and enable Sales to be significantly more successful.

How to track documents in HubSpot

Organizing and tracking sales documents is a powerful component of your sales management and sales enablement efforts. You can save your staff a lot of time by getting organized while making sure your best content is being used correctly. If done right – with the right tools – you can also gain critical insights that will shape your content marketing efforts. Still managing sales assets the old way? Share and track collateral with Content Camel HubSpot has sales document tracking features and this article goes deep on how it works, the benefits, the cost, and the limitations as well as comparing it to Content Camel’s sales enablement tool.

Organize your content. Share, track, report on usage.

Avoid the crazy mess of files and folders.
Easily organize your content for marketing and sales.
Build collections, easily share, and get notified on engagement.

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