Need a Content Management Tool? Why Content Camel is Your Best Bet

Need a Content Management Tool? Why Content Camel is Your Best Bet

How Content Camel is Disrupting the Sales Enablement Industry

The way we use content these days is changing. It’s no longer just a blog post on your website—it’s sales enablement content now. Sales and marketing teams need to align on which content assets are the best suited to cater to prospective customers at every stage of the buyer journey.

But if you don’t have the right tools to collaborate, manage, and track these assets, all your efforts go to waste.

In this article, we’ll go deep into how Content Camel solves this issue—and why you should seriously consider it if you’re looking for a sales content management and enablement solution.

3 things that are the status quo in the sales enablement industry

If you’re in the process of buying sales enablement software, there are three issues you’re probably facing right now:

Expensive tools with a 12-month lock-in

Long-term contracts, especially those that are annual, put too much pressure on your company—financially and operationally. Unfortunately, very few tools in the market offer a monthly or usage-based subscription that scales with your needs.

Instead, you’re locked into a 12-month contract with no wiggle room, which poses an issue if you’re growing quickly. Over a year, if a new tool is launched that fits your needs better, you can’t get the go-ahead from your Chief Financial Officer (CFO) as you’re bound by your current contract and you can’t include it in your sales enablement budget.

Also, the cost and effort to transition away from the platform can be considerable—discouraging you from doing so.

Hosting features you probably don’t need leads to wasted resources

Some sales enablement solutions market themselves as the all-in-one solution to your problems. But most businesses don’t need all these features. While some might need content management with analytics, others need buyer intelligence.

When you sign up, your sales and marketing teams barely use less than 50% of the features available. It leads to an overly complex user experience with steep learning curves—requiring you to shell out more money for one-time onboarding and ongoing training support.

Also, sales reps spend too much time figuring out how to make the most of the software, taking time away from their key responsibilities.

Too much focus on small businesses or enterprises

As evident with the 12-month contracts, popular solutions are focused on enterprises that can afford to shell out thousands of dollars each year on one tool. On the other end, you have tools that only cater to small businesses, so they may not have as many features as you need.

This leaves a gap in the market where mid-market businesses find SMB solutions too restrictive and enterprise solutions too bloated. You need a solution with the necessary features to help your sales rep find and organize content in one place, irrespective of the size of your business.

Every business starts on the same foot—shared drives & wikis

Look back at the time you created a document for an internal meeting. Where exactly did you upload it? If your answer is a shared drive like Google Drive, that’s unsurprising. These tools are pervasive in the business world, so defaulting to shared drives and wikis is not uncommon.

Sales reps can’t find the content assets they need while engaging buyers

But as your content library grows, so does the inability to find these assets when required. For example, Google Drive doesn’t let you tag assets; you must rely on specific keywords to find them. But the number of accurate hits is too low—resulting in your team spending too much time trying to find a needle in the haystack.

Over time, it leads to missed sales opportunities as sales reps don’t have the right assets to engage buyers. It also leads to redundant collateral because they request the same assets repeatedly as they can’t find them. Eventually, you’ll have various versions of the same collateral floating around, causing too many redundancies in your library.

Apart from this, two other issues arise: the inability to share assets and track which assets are being used.

Sales reps can’t understand how buyers are engaging with their content

It’s common for representatives to attach PDFs or drive links of content in their emails to engage buyers in the process. But there’s no way to track how buyers engage with it, who is engaging with it, and how much they consume.

Typically, mail trackers, all you can do is see if your buyers have opened their email and clicked on the link you’ve sent. Also, one asset doesn’t always do the trick. So, the email becomes too long with too many links, increasing the chances of it being caught by spam filters or entering the spam folder automatically.

Sales reps don’t have the analytics capabilities to identify the most valuable assets

As your team uses specific content assets, you need to know which ones are helping them close the most deals. Or else you’ll keep creating content with no data in hand, hoping it piques the curiosity of your buyers.

You might also create the same pieces repeatedly, as you don’t have a curated library of all your published pieces. Eventually, it becomes hard to manage all this content, and you outgrow your current systems.

How has Content Camel challenged the status quo?

Here are a few reasons why you should invest in Content Camel:

1. Your organization’s size doesn’t matter—it scales with you

One of the most compelling reasons to invest in Content Camel is its adaptability to the growth of your organization. Whether you’re a small business or a mid-market company, the platform scales up and down based on your needs.


Our platform accommodates the ebbs and flows of content volume, user numbers, and operational demands. Because you don’t have to migrate to another platform as and when your business grows, you’re spared from the hassles of _yet another migration _and associated costs.

2. Public pricing focusing on product-led growth

Most sales enablement solutions follow a top-down, sales-focused approach. This means you need to contact their representatives to get a quote, which could take weeks from the time of first contact.

But we’ve taken a product-led approach with publicly available pricing. It lets you decide whether we’re the right option without wasting time trying to get in touch with a sales rep. That being said, if you’re an enterprise with a large team that could benefit from our solution, we have custom plans to ease the financial burden.


3. Free trials for those who want to play around first

We understand how hard it must be to choose the right solution. This is why we let prospective users “test drive” the product by signing up for the free version or starting a free trial for the paid plan.

You can try the product and see how customizable it is and whether it fits your current needs. It doubles up as a training phase, too, in case you’re going for full-scale adoption in the near future. Using your experience, you can justify the expense internally, as your team can try the product before committing to it.

4. No setup fees or hidden costs

Have you ever signed up for a product only to find that there’s an additional onboarding and training fee? Well, that’s not the case with our product.

There are no hidden costs like initial onboarding or setup fees, as the product is simple to start using. Keeping the end user’s experience in mind, we’ve made it easy to sign up and get started with the product immediately.

Also, there are no maintenance costs either, as you only pay when you need to upgrade to our paid plan, and you pay only based on the number of users involved. For example, if you have a 20-member team and sign up for the monthly plan, it’ll cost you $300 per month or $3,600 per year. In the annual plan, it’ll cost you $3,060 per year.


Find out how much it’ll cost your company each year using our pricing calculator

5. Robust option for full-funnel content management

Full-funnel content management allows you to tag content based on the funnel stage (awareness, consideration, or decision). It’ll enable sales reps to search assets based on where they’re in the prospecting journey—from initial lead generation to post-sales interactions.

Also, with advanced search capabilities and integrated analytics, you can find assets and monitor their usage in one place. This lets you optimize your content and sales strategy using hard data.


6. Advanced tagging and search options

While the product has in-built categorization capabilities like funnel stage and content type, you can tag it using your parameters. Need to mark something as “to be updated,” or “for Q4 promotion”? Do it in the tag section and use that as a filter while searching.


Search for content using keywords or advanced filters

No need to leave it up to the product to bring the right assets to you. Tell it precisely what you want to direct it during the search process. It saves precious time and ensures consistent and relevant content delivery at every sales touchpoint.

7. Works within your existing tech stack

Your sales team already uses tools to help them sell better. While adding another tool to their stack might not be easy, you need one that integrates with your existing tech stack.

You can use webhooks to integrate Content Camel with tools like:

  • SalesLoft
  • Outreach
  • Gmail
  • Outlook
  • Pipedrive
  • Salesforce
  • HubSpot
  • Drift

Whether it’s a customer relationship management (CRM) software or email provider, use the webhooks feature to build your own integrations. Eliminate friction points of data transfer and create a cohesive tech stack.

8. Robust analytics for sales and marketing teams

Our analytics feature lets you drill down into the engagement level for each content asset. In addition, sales reps can also “upvote” specific assets depending on whether they’re bringing in the most engagement and revenue in a short period. This lets other representatives on your team know that this asset is a priority for future negotiations.

For instance, if you notice that a specific asset is being used but not being engaged with, you need to revisit the asset. Audit it for messaging or positioning misalignment or if the content itself is outdated. You can use it to improve the efficacy of your current library.


9. 95.5% retention rate with a sticky product

One of the most telling indicators of a product’s value and efficacy is its user retention rate. Ours stands at 95.5% at the moment. But what makes it so sticky? There are several reasons, like its intuitive design, easy onboarding, and user-centric features.

Our users are already loving it. So why not give it a shot?

Discover a new way to manage and track your content assets

As your content library grows, it’s time to invest in a tool that lets you efficiently manage it. A sales content management system addresses not just this need but also helps you tag and track these assets as and when you use them.

In the long run, it’s the teams that have the right tools and systems in place to help them engage and entice buyers are the ones that win the most deals.

So why not give Content Camel a shot? Sign up for a free trial today.