11 Solid Strategies for Creating High-Converting Product Pages

11 Solid Strategies for Creating High-Converting Product Pages

Product and marketing teams pour their hearts and souls into creating an incredible product line-up and a go-to-market strategy. But if the money-making pages, a.k.a. your product pages, don’t give potential customers what they want, it’ll cost you thousands of dollars and negatively impact your bottom line.

A terribly designed product page does three things:

  • Creates a negative user experience
  • Increases bounce rates
  • Reduces conversion rates

So, if you don’t give users what they want, they won’t think twice before navigating away from your website.

To avoid this, we’ve created a guide to show you how to create a product page that yields high conversion rates.

How to set the building blocks of a product page?

Before you start building the product page, you need to research and see what the best practices in your industry look like. Here’s what you need to do:

Research your market and competitors

Look into how different players in the market structure their product pages and observe the different kinds of data they include on the page. Make notes to assess why it works, whether that’s product data, social proof, product positioning, or product page design. It’s also best to look at their psychological principles in the design. It’ll help you understand what the best practices in your industry are—and what your customers expect from you.

For instance, companies like Zoho use the “Priming Effect” to show potential customers what their product looks like—especially with metrics their target audience would like to achieve one day.

In her newsletter, Why We Buy, Katelyn Bourgoin, CEO of Customer Camp, explains, “What if your marketing efforts led to a $4.17 million ROI in one month? Better yet…what if you had that AND a 49.8% conversion rate? Sounds like a marketer’s dream. And Zoho is well aware. They include an example dashboard on the product page filled with very desirable data. These stats make buyers start daydreaming. That daydream gets tied to Zoho as marketers imagine this layout inside their dashboard.”



Define the target audience for the products

While you might already have an ideal client profile (ICP), hone in on specific buyer personas. For example, instead of “People who want sales outreach software,” focus on “Heads of Sales at mid-market companies bringing in >$10M in revenue each year.” It narrows down the pain points, types of testimonials to use, and benefits to include.

Hone in on specific features and benefits

Once you know who you’re writing for, pick out product features that entice the customer. Let’s say you’re selling clothing products for teenagers under the Gen-Z category. Talk about the design of the product and how trendy it’ll make them look—or a particular benefit you’ve uncovered in your customer research process.

Focus on your customer’s challenges and show them exactly how your product solves that issue. So choose these features, convert them into benefits, and create a list for each product.

Create a go-to-market brief (GTM brief)

After going through these motions, create a GTM brief for your marketing team.

Shivasankari Bhuvaneswaran, Content Manager for Growth and Product Marketing at Zuper, explains how her team does it. She says that product marketers and managers first list the features and benefits. Using the list, they build a value proposition statement and positioning message that dictates the entire brief.

“The document covers everything about the target persona, right from their pain points and the problem they are looking to solve and the objections they may have. This is shared with the content and design team who work on the UX and product content,” says Bhuvaneshwaran.

You can use these internal collaterals to create a GTM brief for your product page:

  • High-value internal links (pillar pages, guides, e-books, etc.)
  • Technical information (brochures, explainer documents)
  • Customer reviews (internal and third-party)
  • Best-performing sales collaterals
  • Product images and videos
  • Demo videos
  • FAQ section

15 elements that make up the ideal product page anatomy

To create the perfect product page, you should know what to include in the first place. Here are a few must-have elements to build your next one:

  1. Product description: Give a detailed and engaging overview of your product, highlighting its benefits and how it solves the customer’s pain points.
  2. Product features: Clearly outline your product’s specific features, technical specifications, and functionalities. It’ll help customers understand its capabilities and suitability for their needs.
  3. Pricing: Display pricing options, packages, and any available discounts or offers prominently, helping customers assess the value and affordability of your product.
  4. Product demo: Provide a visual demonstration or interactive product viewers like Navattic, allowing customers to explore and interact with your product virtually, enhancing their understanding and engagement. In e-commerce, use interactive elements like virtual try-ons to visualize the product.
  5. Social proof: Include user-generated (UGC) content, such as customer reviews, ratings, or testimonials, to build trust, validate your product’s value, and foster a sense of community among potential customers. Source them from third-party websites, too—apart from internal customer engagement forms.
  6. Stock status: Indicate the availability of your product and allow customers to opt-in for notifications when items are out-of-stock, ensuring a seamless customer experience and managing customer expectations.
  7. Use cases: Showcase real-life scenarios or examples where your product can be applied effectively, helping customers envision its practical usage and benefits in their context.
  8. Comparisons: Include comparison charts or tables highlighting how your product stacks up against competitors, emphasizing its unique advantages and differentiating factors. It’s also best to build separate landing pages and link to them.
  9. Returns & terms of use: Communicate the warranty information, return policy, and any terms of use or limitations associated with your product, ensuring transparency and managing customer expectations.
  10. Related products: Suggest complementary or related products to encourage upselling, cross-selling, and further meet customers' needs, potentially boosting sales.
  11. Tag headings: Optimize headers and subheadings with relevant keywords related to your product and its features, improving search engine visibility and helping users quickly navigate the page.
  12. Images schema: Use alt text, captions, and metadata for product images, improving accessibility while providing valuable information to visually impaired users.
  13. Schema markup: Implement schema markup to provide search engines with structured data about your product, enabling them to display enhanced search results and rich snippets that improve visibility and click-through rates (CTR).
  14. Meta descriptions: Craft compelling meta descriptions that accurately summarize your product page’s content and benefits, enticing users to click through from search engine result pages.
  15. Page speed optimization: Databox’s research reported that most companies think less than two seconds is a good page load time. Optimize image and video files for fast loading times, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience that reduces bounce rates and improves conversion rates.

Best practices for creating a high-converting product page

You need to account for several things while building your product page. Some of them include:

#1 Use high-quality images with multiple angles

First, customers want to see how the product looks and what individual features look like. In the image below, you can see how IKEA includes pictures from multiple angles so that customers can understand what the refrigerator looks like. Plus, they can envision what it’ll look like inside their house and how much storage space it contains. It increases their confidence in its capabilities—increasing the likelihood of a conversion.



#2 Give users in-depth and accurate information

Nobody wants to buy a product without knowing what it’s made of, how it works, and whether it’s the right fit for them. A Salsify report found that 36% of customers say that product size and material information helps them make a purchasing decision. This is why keeping the section simple, digestible, and concise is crucial.

Skincare brand The Ordinary does this exceptionally well. They include core information like the following:

  • Who it’s suited for
  • Type of product
  • Key ingredients
  • Clinical results
  • What the product helps with
  • Which step of the regiment to use in

In minutes, customers can build their regimen—encouraging them to buy more than they intended to while giving clear information on what to expect.




#3 Create a simple product page-to-cart navigation flow

Product pages are meant to provide essential product information in a way that convinces them to buy. But what if your product page-to-cart experience is terrible? It’ll cost you conversions down the line.

Design a customer journey that makes it easy for customers to add it to their cart and directly move on to the purchasing process.

Also, if they want to go back to explore more products, implement breadcrumb navigation that tells them where they are. This way, they can return and find similar products that they like. It reduces bounce rates—keeping them on the website longer and increasing the possibility of a purchase.



#4 Use clear and conversion-oriented calls to actions

Your calls to action (CTAs) must be strategically placed throughout the page. It’s not enough to include one CTA at the top of the page and call it a day. Sometimes customers want to see the product features or social proof that’s present at the middle or bottom of the page before signing up. So include multiple CTAs throughout the page. CRM solution Pipedrive does this well by having a consistent “Try if Free” button on their product page.


Use action-oriented language such as “Buy Now,” “Sign Up for a Free Trial,” or “Request a Demo,” to encourage them to click. Also, make the CTAs visually distinct and easily clickable. Do this by making the CTA button a different color to make them pop.

#5 Shine a spotlight on offers that derisk the decision

It’s crucial to derisk the customer’s decision as soon as possible. Shashank Katare, Senior Engagement Manager at Adobe, recommends two ways to do this:

  • Use derisking tactics like offering a free trial, transparent pricing, a money-back guarantee, and displaying product reviews, testimonials, detailed product videos, and help guides.
  • Conduct A/B split and multivariate (MVT) testing to test how these tactics impact page performance.

Based on the results, optimize the product page to ensure conversions increase as traffic increases. The INNBEAUTY PROJECT offer discounts to new customers, free shipping over a certain threshold, and free returns to ensure customers feel comfortable investing in the product.



#6 Write conversational product descriptions—not a mere bullet list

You’re selling to human beings—not just another customer behind a screen. Write product descriptions in a tone that matches your target audience’s tone. For instance, if your potential customer is a SaaS buyer like a Chief Technology Officer (CTO), keep the tone straightforward and focus on how it improves their organization’s life. But if you’re selling to a young consumer audience, keep it light and fun.

This is where your Voice of Customer (VoC) research comes in handy. Look for specific phrases or tones they use, and write compelling product descriptions.



#7 Provide sufficient social proof to increase trust

Salsify’s report also found that 62% of consumers would like a product page to have reviews, and 51% are likely to buy when it’s present on them. That’s 1 in 2 buyers. If you don’t add testimonials, user reviews, or even logos on the page, you’re losing 50% of potential business.

BigCommerce adds testimonials that include a logo, testimonials from their ICP, and an image of the results they’ve achieved from them.



For e-commerce-focused products, the higher you place the reviews, the faster it instills confidence in your customers. Skincare brand Kinship includes ratings under the product name and a detailed review section at the end of the page. It allows customers to see if the product is a hit in the market.




#8 Offer information from a buyer’s standpoint

Focusing on product benefits versus features pays off. When you speak the customer’s language and show them exactly what they want, it makes it easier to convince them.

Hotjar, a website analytics provider, uses benefit-focused copy that tells potential customers exactly how they can help. Since customers want to know which parts of their website drive traffic and which are not, Hotjar emphasizes this. When users land on Hotjar’s page, their needs are validated.



#9 Add an FAQ section to answer common user queries

The Baymard Institute found that ~70% of carts are abandoned. And they do so because they don’t understand your offer. Offer customers a forum to ask questions via a live chatbot or a Q&A section on the product page.

Chewy offers customers a forum to ask and answer questions on each product’s page. Even though Chewy’s team handles the queries, existing customers also have the option to answer them—giving an objective overview of the product.



Alternatively, Adobe has a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section at the bottom of their product page. It improves the user experience (UX) and reduces friction in the decision-making process. Plus, it helps rank your pages on search engines if you apply the FAQ schema.



#10 A/B test product pages continuously to optimize conversion rates

Let’s say you receive 10,000 visitors each month on your product’s landing page. But only 500 of them click on the CTA button. You theorize that the “Sign Up Now” CTA is not as compelling, and changing it to “Try It Free” might make a difference. This is where A/B testing comes in.

Spin up a landing page and show 50% of your visitors one version of the page, and the rest, the other version. Tally the results and see which version provides better results.

That’s how Ema Fulga, a freelance copywriter, realized that using storytelling and imaginative language can skyrocket conversions. While working with Aleyolé, a Barcelona-based online jewelry manufacturer, she created two versions for each product page.

While one version used vivid, provocative language in the ecommerce product descriptions, the other used a straightforward clinical approach that discussed the attributes of the jewelry. The former outperformed the latter by miles because of its emotional impact on the customers.



So continuously test different layouts, design elements, copy, CTAs, and other elements to optimize your page for higher conversion rates.

#11 Create localized versions of product pages for different target countries

A CSA report found that 40% of consumers don’t want to buy from a website if it’s not available in their local language. Also, 65% of customers prefer receiving information in their local language, even if the quality is terrible.

So if you have an international customer base, create localized versions of your product pages for different target countries. Tailor the content, language, pricing, and cultural references to specific regions to enhance relevance and improve the user experience. It can lead to better conversion rates in different markets.

Canva caters to a 60 million user base by providing their website in 130+ languages—which has contributed to the success of their GTM program in several countries.


Canva in Turkish


Research, build and refine your product pages to ensure maximum conversion

It’s not enough for businesses to have product pages, they must have well-optimized pages to succeed. By taking the time to set up the building blocks of a product page, you can ensure that your competitors don’t get ahead of you.

Research, define your audience, and create a GTM brief to kickstart the process. In addition, it’s best to consider the UX of each element on the page. Test each element from your images to checkout flow to ensure nothing interferes with the conversion process.

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